Corrections Policy

At FactCheckZW Media Lab, we strive for truth and accuracy in all our fact checking. We check with primary sources, interrogate all available evidence and verify before publishing our fact checks.

However, sometimes, despite our best efforts, we might get something wrong. We are committed to promptly correcting any errors, as laid out in this Corrections Policy.


If you note any error in our fact checks, please email us on We check this email on a daily basis and we promise to get back in touch within 48hours.

Please indicate what kind of error has been noted and, if possible, provide a link to the story that has an error.

We will do more research where required and give a correction or update, if applicable.

If you are not happy with our response, we will refer the issue to our Management Corrections Sub-Committee and if still unhappy with the resolution, a mutually agreed on external reviewer, who will be an expert on fact-checking,  will be appointed.


Should it be clear that we have made an error, this will be promptly corrected.

If the error is minor – such as a typo or misspelling, this will be corrected and a note placed at the end of the article explains the correction.

If the error is significant, such as a missing source, the fact check will be updated and an explanation provided at the end on the correction made.

If the error is such that a review of the rating had to be done, this will be corrected and a note on the correction placed at the top of the article, detailing what was corrected.


We promise to be transparent in our corrections and not hide them.

For significant changes resulting in a change in rating, we will make the corrected article as prominent on our social pages as the initial article.