Wait a minute, Tuku’s grave is not a pile of dust 

CLAIM: … Tuku’s grave remains a pile of dust without a good tombstone



The Tuku family ‘saga’ has been on centre stage for a while in Zimbabwe and almost everyone has something to say. 

In this time, the late musician, Oliver Mtukudzi’s widow, Daisy received a car while one of his daughters, Selmor, recorded a song.

The car Daisy received was a gift from Zimbabwean influencer, Wicknell Chivayo

ZimEye, an online newspaper, weighed in on the debate with a Facebook post, ‘IS THIS FAIR – Wicknell gives Daisy 2 cars while Tuku’s grave remains a pile of dust without a good tombstone’.

There were numerous responses ranging from ‘The children should put the tombstone’; ‘Time for us fans to contribute. Wicknell does what he wants with his money’ to ‘The tombstone should be done by the wife and the children’.

Oliver Mtukudzi died on 23 January, 2019 and was buried at his home in Madziwa.

The ZimEye post is accompanied by a picture showing Daisy, Chivayo, musician Alick Macheso and an unidentified woman. 

The group is standing beside a grave with no tombstone.

A reverse image search shows that the picture was taken on 15 February 2019, months after the death of the superstar.

The picture was also shared on a Facebook account in 2019.

On the 17th of August, 2021, the Tuku Music official page posted that a tombstone unveiling ceremony had been held by the Mtukudzi family, sharing pictures of the tombstone: ‘14 August 2021 The Mtukudzi family gathered at home in Madziva and unveiled the tombstone of Dr Oliver Mtukudzi.A day of celebration,tears of joy & unity.Rambai muchititungamira Samanyanga,we see your hand at work in our lives each and every day.Zororai henyu murugare.#tukumusic’.


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The claim by ZimEye that Oliver Mtukudzi’s grave remains a pile of dust without a good tombstone is false. The Tuku family held a tombstone unveiling on 14 August 2021 and the grave has been marked since then. The picture used by the online paper is from …… a few months after the late superstar’s burial. 


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